Sunday, April 26, 2020

Input and Output devices

What is an input device?

In computing,an input device is a piece of computer hardware equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or information appliance.

Examples of input devices:
Keyboards,mouse,scanners,digital cameras,joysticks and microphones etc.

Now what is an output device?
An output device is a piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into human-readable form.It can be text,graphics,tactile,audio and video.

Examples of output devices:
visual display units,monitor,printer,graphic output devices,plotters,speakers etc.

Difference between input and output devices:
An input device sends information to a computer system for processing and an output device reproduces or displays the results of that processing.Input devices are only allowed for input or insert data to a computer and output devices are allowed to receive the output data from another device.

Input devices:
An input device can send data to another device but it can not receive data from another device.Popular examples of input devices  include the following.

Keyboard and Mouse-
Accepts input from a user and sends that data to the computer.they can not accept or reproduce information from the computer.

Receives sound generated by an input source and sends that sound to a computer.

Receives images generated by whatever it is pointed at(input)and sends those images to a computer.

Output devices:
An output device can receive data from another device and generate output with that data but it can not send data to another device.
Examples of output devices include the following:

Receives data from a computer and displays that information as text and images for users to view.It can not accept data from a user and send that data to another device.

Receives data from a computer and displays, projects ,that information as text and images onto a surface,like a wall or a can not accept data from a user and send that data to another device.

Receives sound data from a computer and plays the sounds for users to can not accept sound generated by users and send that sound to another device.


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