Friday, May 8, 2020


Today I am going to write about a story of a book which i read in class 6,when my age was around 12.After reading this book I felt interest to read more books of this writer.

Book name :Ikaras

Writer: Dr Zaffor Iqbal

Type:Science fiction

Published :28,January,2008 

Let me start the story from beginning.


Who is Johur??

There was a man named Juhur who had no job.Mainly he was a farmer by profession.One day one of his friend came to his house and asked him,do he want to do work in a hospital middle in the sea?Juhur was surprised about why the hospital was in the middle of the sea.Then how the patients go there?So his friend said Dr Kader made this hospital if you want a job there just go and have a look there are some speedboats which is only available for that hospital.Juhur was a little bit curious.Next day he went to the hospital to give an interview.while walking through the door of 303 no room.He just saw a girl whose age was around 18-23.the girl was staring at Johur as like she wants to say something.Johur asked the girl do you want to say something.She replied with no.suddenly a guard came and said let us move.Johur asked about the girl that what happened to her.The guard replied that she is mentally unstable.
Juhur entered the room of Dr Kader.
Dr Kader took his interview and told him that give me the false answers of all the question that i will ask now.
Juhur: "Okay"
Dr Kader asked: "What is your name?"
Johur replied: "Dr Kader"
Dr Kader asked: "What! What is your name say it again."
Johur replied: "My name is Dr Kader."
Dr Kader: "Have you killed someone ever??"
Juhur: "Yes"
Dr Kader: "How??"
Juhur: "By trying to fold his neck with a cloth"
Dr Kader: "Why"
Juhur: "Because always when the full moon arrives I want  to kill someone" 
Dr Kader: "Can you fly in the sky??"
Juhur: "Yes I can."
Dr Kader: "How??"
Juhur: "With my wings"
Dr Kader: "Do you have wings??"
Juhur: "Yes, I have two wings but I always bind them with ropes so that no one can see my wings."
Dr Kader: "When do you fly?"
Juhur: "Everyday after the evening when everyone goes to sleep."
Dr Kader: "You are selected for doing job here.Because your nerves are strong like metal.I asked you many question by you answer all the questions without even getting are so clam and what I am looking for.Do you want to do this job??"
Johur : "Let me know first what you do here."
Dr Kader was shocked and asked  "What I do here?"
Johur: "Yes because the hospital you made in the middle of the sea is not a a hospital this is something else."
Dr Kader: "Stay one night here and you will be able to know everything that you want."
Johur stayed there at night.....

Was that a hospital??If not then what was it??

At mid night Juhur heard some sounds of entering police.Johor ran faster to know what is happening he was curious to know the truth of Dr Kader. he police arrested Dr Kader.
police: "Dr Mangela do research with living people and you do research with birth??"
The police hits the head of Dr Kader on the table.
Dr Kader: "I will not tell you anything before coming of my partner and moreover you can do nothing to me."
Police:  "On how many girls you just did this experiment?"
Dr Kader: "About 300-350"
Police: "How many died?"
Dr Kader: "More than half"
police: "How many are mentally disabled?"
Dr Kader:" Left others"
police: "From where you found these girls??"
Dr Kader: "From roads.most of them are poor they are poor."
police: "Who spent money for your project?"
Dr Kader: "One genetic engineering company from America."
police: "What is the view of these project?"
Dr Kader: "Creating new category of people."
police: "Is there any success till now?"
Dr Kader: "Not fully,most of the girls gave birth to handicapped babies and they died."
police: "What type of handicapped?"
Dr Kader: "No eyes no mouth no ears.2 heads,2-3 eyes,with fish scales."
police: "I will kill this man.then again asked why are you doing this?"
Dr Kader: "Not only me every scientist do the same."
police: "Now what is the condition of the girls?"
Dr Kader: "They all are pregnant.test tube babies.All is done by genetic engineering.we used jeans of snake monkey dolphin birds."
police: "Isn't there anyway to stop these all?"
Dr Kader: "No some are in advanced level so if we do something they will die."
police: "So they will give birth human and animal mixed species??"
Dr Kader: "Yes,some live for few minutes some not."
police: "Do you try to save the babies?"
Dr Kader: "No"
police: "Do you try to save the girls ?"
Dr Kader: "No"
police: "Why?"
Dr Kader: "Because after giving birth they become mentally unstable and their body become disable.therefore it is more hard to live for them after this we don't try to save them."
Juhur: "Juhur walked forward and asked him,is the same case going for the girl of room no 303?"
Dr Kader: He laughed and said Yes
Juhur: "What type of baby?"
Dr Kader: "Human and bird mixed child."
Juhur: "Will the girl die?"
Dr Kader: "I don't know."
Juhur: "Will the baby die?"
Dr Kader: "Smilingly said if he doesn't die he will be the first Ikaras."
Juhur: "Ikaras??What does it mean??"
Police: "Ikaras is a character of mythology .he flew with his feather to sun."

Did the baby have a birth?

Juhur came to see the girl of 303.The girl ran in-front of Juhur and suddenly she jumped into the sea.Juhur rescued his life and then the girl asked why you saved me?
Johor replied because I had a daughter exactly like you but I couldn't save him.the girl said you shouldn't save me I will give birth to a monster.He will kill everyone.
Juhur said: Nothing will happen like that
The girl gave a birth and raped her eyes with her hands.
Juhur was surprised.a very cute baby just had a birth with his small two wings.Juhur said you haven't gave birth to a monster.See the baby he is a blessing.
The girl looked on the baby with relief  and said I am dying please take care of my son. And the girl died.
Johor took the baby to a hospital to cut his wings because if he had wings then we can not lead a normal life.When he took the baby to the doctors they wanted to sell the baby as it was a new creation.Somehow he rescued his life and without cutting his wings he came to his village of his sister Anwara.

How the baby hide his wings?

Juhur asked Anwara to take care of this child.
Anwara take him to his hand and felt the baby has no weight.Anwara was amazed and Juhur from where he got this baby Juhur shared everything and gave responsibilities to her sister.
Anwara asked: 'Had you set any name for this child?"
Juhur replied: "As his body is same as like Bulbul bird.I gave his name Bulbul."

Can Bulbul fly?

When Bulbul grown up.He started to join school.He covered his wings with a big cloth and he tried to avoid all the physical exercises.Oneday Juhur came to meet Bulbul.Bulbul told his father that he thinks he can fly .Johur took Bulbul to a land with no people.For the first time Bulbul opened his wings and started running.Suddenly he started to fly.Johur couldn't stop seeing a flying child and he was surprised to think that Bulbul is beautiful.

What happened to the ending??

Scientists wanted to search Bulbul for his wings and one day Bulbul flew in front of everyone and rescued his life in a forest.There a man with his daughter started living with his ship.The girl was so upset and Bulbul tried to made the girl happy so he took the girl on his back and started flying.However his father got to know everything and he tried to kill Bulbul.The girl tried to rescue Bulbul's life and she ordered Bulbul that flew Bulbul from this earth and don't come back.Human never going to give you a life to lead.

Bulbul started flying and the sun was arising at the same time.This is how the story ends.

Why I like his story?

Actually I always thought how birds fly and they can see everything from the top.My imagination was if I had wings I could also fly.After all this story was similar to my imagination.When I was reading the book I just couldn't stop thinking me as Bulbul.

If you want to know the full story more clearly then visit...


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